I am such a stubborn person. For years, I have hated Will Ferrell and have avoided anything he's been in. He just was never funny to me. I have stood by this opinion for so many years, and recently, have begun to eat my words. It all started when I watched the first Anchorman movie last week. Despite not wanting to enjoy it, I actually found it to be pretty fucking hilarious. So, when I needed something to do with my roommate this evening, we decided to see the movie Strays. Despite having pretty poor reviews and not doing well at the box office, a chance on a $6 movie seemed like a better alternative to another evening of binging Four Weddings.

Despite not having great reviews, this movie was so fucking funny. Not only did it provide me with endless laughs, it also had a heartwarming story. This is such a hot take, but I honestly placed this movie at #5 for the year. It had a great mix of comedy and a fun story, and it was just a very well-done, lighthearted movie. Again, pretty horrible opinion, but I'm totally entitled to that.