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Hooked on Horror: Why Do We Love Horror Movies?

One of the biggest aspects of my life is my love of horror movies. From the time I was a child, I loved scary movies. I remember being way too young and watching The Shining for the first time (Fun Fact: The scariest part of that movie for me was when Wendy was running away from Jack and saw the man in the bear suit giving someone fellatio. You couldn't see what was happening, but I clearly remember that part of the film scaring me and confusing me.) Horror has been a part of my life since I was a child and helps make me who I am. In this blog, I will be exploring two main reasons why I think we stay hooked on horror movies.

So, what draws people to horror? Why do we keep getting scared and coming back for more? I, like many others, enjoy feeling scared and really like the adrenaline rush that comes with horror movies, however, I think two big things that keep me hooked are the beauty and the meaning in the grim, gore, and darkness. From more cheesy, funny horror movies like Satanic Panic and Idle Hands, to 80's classics like Evil Dead and Friday the 13th, and everything all around and in between, there is somewhat of an elegance and interest to the darkness that you just can't get out of other genres. I also just believe that horror movie cinematography is more thoughtful and beautiful. I have huge admiration for horror movie directors who can make something so terrifying that it's not only terrifying but beautiful too. Again, thinking about The Shining, hist is the first movie that comes to mind when I think about how beautiful horror movies can be.

Regarding meaning in horror movies, no matter how frightened, horrified, or simply entertained you may be, I personally believe the stories told through horror movies just seem more meaningful than other genres. I feel like there is always something that a viewer can take away from a movie when watching, and I tend to get more of those feelings when I am watching horror films. For example, even when watching people get brutally dismantled in the Saw films, the lessons that are taught through these movies by Jigsaw are actually really thoughtful. There is something to be learned from everything in life, and horror movies are no exception in my book.

Why do you love horror movies? What keeps you lining up at the theaters on opening night for the latest horror film? Let me know in the comments and let's keep the conversation going!

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