A long, long time ago, in a world not so far away, I was a freshman in high school. I had a crush on this guy, and he invited me to see ‘Deadpool’ in theaters with him and his friend. Of course, my parents said no to letting their 14-year-old daughter go with two strange boys to watch a raunchy superhero comedy movie in theaters.
Later in the future, I was a junior in high school, going to watch ‘Deadpool 2’ with my parents at the local drive-in movie theater.
Fast forward to this past Saturday, I got out of work and drove 20 minutes to the local movie theater in my Deadpool T-shirt to watch the third installment of the franchise, a huge deal to superhero nerds like me. This was the first Deadpool movie by Walt Disney Studios. Did they fuck it up?
Let’s discuss everything. (Spoilers Ahead)

First of all, I loved seeing Hugh Jackman as Wolverine again. I was interested to see if they were going to resurrect his universe as Wolverine, but I thought it did his character and its timeline a good service to have the Wolverine from this film be from a different universe. Seeing him in the Wolverine suit was insanely cool, especially when he put the mask on at the end. I could tell that my whole theater enjoyed that.
Ryan Reynolds played a silly and great Deadpool, as ever. My favorite joke of his was about the extra bone he got while watching Gossip Girl. Chris Evans was also cute and silly in this film, and it was nice seeing him like this in comparison to his more recent, serious roles.
Going into this movie, I was nervous about the plot. I knew it would involve the TVA, and I was worried I wouldn't understand the film since I haven't watched any of the Marvel TV shows except for WandaVision. However, the movie successfully caught viewers who weren’t completely up to speed with Disney's shows, and I appreciated that. When the TVA first appeared on screen, I honestly thought I might be over all the multiverse-centric storylines that Marvel has been into recently. But I loved it, and I didn’t experience any multiverse fatigue.
It was really fun to see Blade, Elektra, and Gambit. I didn’t exactly understand why Gambit was there until I read an article about how Channing Tatum was supposed to play Gambit. They couldn't figure out the direction of the movie, so it got canned, making his appearance an inside joke. This made me appreciate the thought that went into this film. I also didn’t realize that was Channing Tatum at all. I was obsessed with how completely accurate the costume was to the comics.
After watching this film and hearing the recent announcements from San Diego Comic-Con, I am excited about the direction Marvel is heading. I will elaborate on that more in another blog coming soon. In my opinion, Marvel fell off a little in the last five years after Endgame, but they are using the power of nostalgia in their favor in recent and future projects. While it may seem overdone to some people, I like what they are doing.