I say and do a lot of things I probably shouldn't say or do. Writing this article is definitely one of those things. I've been sitting on this idea for years and am so excited to get to write about it finally. So buckle up, put on your Reverse Bear Traps, and get ready to discover some Christian themes in the Saw Franchise.
Now, I know what you are probably thinking: "Christine; what the fuck? How could you possibly relate the Saw Franchise to anything having to do with Christianity?" Well, the answer is simple: I am crazy. Actually, let me take that back. The answer is not so simple. A long, long time ago, I was a 16-year-old girl with your average 16-year-old girl dreams: I wanted to be a pastor. If you know me now and didn't know me back then, you are probably shocked. Anyways, back then, I was very theological. I felt, and still do, like everything has a meaning and a purpose, Similar to this, I believe that good movies also have a meaning and a purpose. While, at the end of the day, the purpose of movies is to entertain, I am always able to dig deeper to discover what the movie might really be trying to tell us. Therefore, this blog post may be a complete stretch, but I stand behind this opinion fully, so fuck it, here we go.

Moral Choices and Redemption
In "Saw," victims are placed in life-or-death situations where they must make difficult moral choices to survive. Jigsaw justifies these tests by claiming to be teaching victims the value of life and the consequences of their actions. These choices that victims must make in their tests are seen as metaphors for the moral decisions that these individuals face in life. Throughout the series, some characters who survive Jigsaw's traps undergo profound transformations and seek to make amends for their past mistakes.
In Christianity, the emphasis on salvation and forgiveness is a central theme that shapes the beliefs and practices of the faith. This emphasis reflects the core teachings of the religion and provides a framework for understanding the relationship between human morality, redemption, and God's grace.

Punishment for Sins & Nature of Confrontation
Jigsaw's traps are often viewed as cruel and unusual forms of punishment, but they are intended to make his victims confront their own sins and the harm they've caused to others. Christianity views the difficulties faced by individuals in life as chances for personal development, introspection, and spiritual advancement. The objective of God is to guide people towards acknowledging their sins, repenting, and seeking salvation and forgiveness. Although there is a belief in divine punishment for sins, there is also an opportunity for repentance and salvation. The Jigsaw Killer holds his victims accountable for their actions and forces them to acknowledge their wrongdoings. Similarly, Christianity emphasizes the idea of being accountable for one's actions and seeking forgiveness from a higher power.

The Value of Life
Jigsaw believes that people often take their lives for granted, living in complacency or making poor choices, and he aims to shock them into recognizing the preciousness of life. Christianity also places a high value on life, considering it a sacred gift from God. The Bible, the central religious text of Christianity, contains numerous passages that emphasize the sanctity of life. Christians also believe that every individual is created in the image of God, further underscoring the intrinsic worth of every human life. Despite the stark contrast in methods and motivations between Jigsaw's philosophy and Christian beliefs, there is a common thread: the idea that life should be appreciated and valued. Where they differ is in how they seek to convey this message. Christianity emphasizes love, compassion, and the sanctity of life as fundamental teachings, while Jigsaw's approach is extreme and controversial, involving fear and extreme moral tests.

The characters in the movie "Saw" are often faced with difficult decisions that require them to choose between their own self-preservation and the preservation of others. These dilemmas mirror the ethical quandaries that people encounter in real life, where they must decide between their own interests and the well-being of others. This theme of self-sacrifice is reminiscent of Christian teachings on love, compassion, and selflessness, which emphasize the importance of looking out for the needs of others before our own.
(Read this in Jigsaw's Voice:) So, will you watch the "Saw" movies in an attempt to understand them in the way I do? Or will you choose to live in ignorance and refuse to watch one of the greatest modern horror movie franchises? Live or die; make your choice.